Liz has always been an avid reader – as a child and even into college, where she couldn’t believe her good luck that she could be an English major and get college credit for reading books and writing about them. Post college, Liz attended the University of Denver Publishing Institute and had jobs at Little, Brown and Company (college textbook division), Scott, Foresman and Company (college textbooks), Praeger Publishers (professional business books) and The Donoghue Organization (financial newsletters) before retiring to become a full-time mother of four.
Liz and her husband started a book club in Wellesley, Massachusetts and were members for 13 years.Other book clubs Liz has belonged to include The Daughters of Abraham (Wellesley and started a group in suburban Philadelphia), Bates Boston Alumna and Milton Academy parents’ book club.Most recently she started a book club in Back Bay Boston with her Barre Women friends.
Lily has loved books since long before she could read. Many of her first memories are of listening to her mom, Liz, read out loud The Chronicles of Narnia and Little House on the Prairie. Since then Lily has always had a book on the go, and a big stack waiting to be read. She is drawn to historical fiction, but is always seeking out challenges and recommendations to expand her comfort zone!
She attended Dartmouth College where she majored in Theater and Psychology, and then Boston University for a Masters in theatre directing. She now lives in Toronto with her Canadian husband and three daughters.