by Gin Phillips
I first heard the term “child peril lit” many years ago when my Jodi Picoult obsession was at its peak. It so perfectly describes the genre that it suggests why someone might be drawn to it. You know: that feeling that reading about it somehow protects you and your family. Now that I have a daughter, I’m not sure that psychology is so useful for me anymore. In fact it seems to lessen my enjoyment of a book, taking me out because I can’t allow myself to get as emotionally involved out of self-protection.
However, Fierce Kingdom, a Platonically perfect example of the child peril genre, is an incredibly crafted, suspenseful book that you will literally not put down until you have finished it. Set in a city zoo, the whole book takes place over several hours after a mother and her young son hear gunshots and realize there are several live shooters between them and getting home alive.
Entirely from the mother’s perspective, Phillips has created a psychological portrait of every mother’s (every person’s) worst nightmare. We see every stage of fear, resourcefulness, collaboration and selfishness and it is gripping from beginning to end. Despite my enormous caveat about this genre, I highly recommend this book if you want a page-turner that will definitely freak you out! (Lily)