by Lisa Halliday
I could not have given this book a better title if I worked on it for the rest of my life. Never have I loved a book so much on the one hand and then completely lost interest on the other. The title, and my issues, stem from the structure of the book, which is essentially two short stories put together with a brief final chapter that sort of ties them together (sort of!).
The first story is one of the best things I have read this year. It drew me in from the first few sentences, which is rare. The story follows Alice, a young assistant editor who meets and starts an affair with an older man who also happens to be a famous author. Not too much happens in the story and the writing style brings everything to life with only the sparest detail. Yet, I found myself gobbling the text at rapid speed, hungry for each and every word.
I didn't find the second story poorly written, I just wasn't as interested in the characters. On top of a completely new setting and plot, Halliday changes to a non-linear timeline. This half of the book follows a young Iraqi-American man who is detained at Heathrow airport. While in detention he essentially relives most of his life, thinking specifically about his trips to Iraq. Although the story includes suspense, I did not find myself drawn in or eager to read any of this half of the book.
So I can’t say this is a whole-hearted recommend, except that I loved the first half so much. So maybe read it and decide for yourself. And I will definitely look out for any future books by Halliday. (Lily)
Lily reviewed ASYMMETRY last month with mixed feelings. I had read the book before Lily, after it was recommended to me several times. I won’t even give it as positive a review as Lily did. I am still perplexed by how the two very different stories that make up Part I and Part II relate to one another. Blurbs from reviewers included as flap copy commented on how brilliantly Part III pulled everything together. But I just don’t see it. I’d love to hear from others who have read it and loved it. What exactly did you love? Can you figure out how it all hangs together? If so, please share with the L & L editors! (Liz)