A Pandemic Story
by Michael Lewis

You may know Michael Lewis from any of his previous successful books: The Big Short; The Blind Side; Moneyball; Liar’s Poker. In each of those books, Lewis took a timely topic, researched it well and wrote a compelling expose type of book. The Premonition fits that model. I first became aware of the book as Lewis made the rounds of news and talk shows to promote it. He gave an absolutely fascinating interview on 60 Minutes. I was hooked and bought the book as soon as it came out.

I’m sure many of you are groaning thinking about reading a book about the pandemic. I mean we’re living it, right? Why read a book about it too? Why put yourself through that? Well, what Lewis does so well in this nonfiction book about COVID, is write it like a thriller. He tells the story through the lens of several interesting characters: a 13-year-old girl who, with her father’s help, puts together a science project on the transmission of airborne pathogens – which eventually evolves into a model for disease control. Then there is a dedicated public health official in California who pushes back on what she perceives as the CDC’s refusal to acknowledge our vulnerabilities to pandemic. Last, is a group of doctors who must meet in secret, but who have complete certainty that a worldwide pandemic is imminent.

Lewis for sure indicts Donald Trump and all the harmful policies he did or did not impose. But in a real eye opening, page-turner, he goes far beyond that to expose our whole system. With academics, government officials, scientists and drug companies so intertwined, no group is in charge or capable of directing a health crisis like a pandemic.

I promise that you will find The Premonition fascinating. You will come away from the book with an entirely different view of and appreciation for how we got to where we are today—two years into the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. (Liz)