by Jennifer Egan
I so loved Jennifer Egan’s Manhattan Beach (reviewed in L & L in Feb. 2018) that I couldn’t wait to read her 2011 Pulitzer Prize winning novel: a visit from the goon squad. I guess I understand how it won. It has a very broad and far-reaching premise: we will all grow older and lose our edge; how we choose to do that will affect our happiness, our health and ultimately our lives. The book includes some memorable characters: an aging punk rock star turned record executive, his kleptomaniac assistant, her disaffected uncle – all of whom lead interesting, but sordid lives. When all is said and done, that’s probably my biggest criticism of the book. It deals with so many sordid lives, it left me feeling weak and depressed. You might have more tolerance for this than I, and if you do, by all means read this book. I enjoyed Bittersweet by Stephanie Danler far more. It was published in 2016 and explores the seamy side of working in restaurants in New York City. I found it to be similarly jarring, but a far more entertaining read. (Liz)